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Health literacy in multicultural area

 2018 EuDAP Report / by admin / 600 views / Popular

Community health center in Ghent, a city in Belgium. The center is located in an area with lots of migrants. It’s very multicultural. Unfortunately the poverty rate is much higher in our neigbourhood, compared with other places in Belgium. We are developing a program for children with obesity. Working together with general doctors, physical therapists and an exerise coach.

There’s definitely a lack of information that’s diverse and multicultural. All the pamflets, infographics, … are very “flemish”. Health literacy is very important with the patients, it’s always a search to find clear information that the patient will understand.

Develop own materials, with lots of pictures. We work with translaters, so the information can be told in their native language.

  • Listing ID: 243
  • National Dietetic Association: BELGIUM - Flemish Professional Association of Dietitians, Vlaamse Beroepsvereniging van Diëtisten (VBVD)
  • EFAD Education Associate Member: none or other than from the list
  • EuDAP key objectives: Objective 2. Promote the gains of a healthy diet and nutritional support throughout the life course
  • Target audience: General Public, Children and Adolescents, Local Community
Contact details

Tratsaert Marjolein, Wijkgezondheidscentrum Brugse PoortBelgium *****

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