Project Ri move
2018 EuDAP Report / by admin / 736 views / Popular
The goals are: The Project is aimed for schoolchildren sports and physical activity promotion. Their main goals are to increase physical activity of children, multi-development of children, to initially introduce to basic sports, getting to know other sports, the promotion of the Olympic idea, expert guidance in the further pursuit of sports based on kinesiological testing and nutrition education about sports diet.ntary school students, but also for their teachers and their parents. The main Program objective is the adaptation of healthy dietary habits and the maintenance of good health by educating schoolchildren and their teachers with activity classes and quizzes. Other program objectives are the promotion and motivation of school environment development aimed for healthy diet and health of other students.
Educational classes on sports nutrition for schoolchildren, their parents and coaches, promoting the project.role of nutrients. They also are informed with the disorders as a result of unhealthy diet, to seek and get help in solving the problems of unhealthy diet, get acquainted with the food composition, their role in the body, and impact on health. With educational approach they are focused on healthy and individual food selection, buying groceries, the industrial food composition and its impact on their health. Their teacher and parents are also involved in some educational classes and action.
Rijeka, not counting about 900 students which we expect by the third cycle to complete at the end of the school year. In its two cycles, the Program has educated 165 class teachers, biology and nature teachers and gym teachers. The results of students’ nutrition status that are obtained from the questionnaire showed that the majority of students (92%) had normal weight (BMI = 17.8 kg/m2), overweight were 5% (BMI = 23.8 kg/m2) and 3 % were obese students (BMI = 27.6 kg/m2). As these results are obtained by student self-applying the questionnaire and not by measuring their body weight and height, the results are showing that about two-thirds of the overweight or obese students diminish their actual body weight to change their actual body image. On average, the students spent about an hour and a half watching TV each day, sitting and playing games on a mobile, tablet, computer for two hours a day, boys significantly more than girls (p = 0.010). Four fifths of the students (79%) were actively engaged in some sports, mostly twice a week for an hour and a half. Three-fourths of students (68%) had breakfast daily, and 10% of students don’t ate breakfast at all. The evaluation of their dietary habits was assessed using the KIDMED index ranging from 0 to 12, which is used to assess Mediterranean diet adherence. The KIDMED index smaller or equal to 3 indicates a low adherence to the Mediterranean diet, from 4 to 7 indicates moderate adherence and greater than 8 indicates Mediterranean diet habits. Half of the students (52%) had die with moderate characteristics of the Mediterranean diet, while 35% of the students had a characteristic Mediterranean diet considered as desirable to eat because of its proven health benefits such as reduced morbidity and mortality from non-communicable diseases (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, some types of cancer) as well as the longer life expectancy. Unhealthy eating habits (KIDMED ? 3) had 13% of students. students have improved their nutrition knowledge almost by half (47%), i.e. with the initial of 55% on average to 81% on average. The students with poor dietary habits had a higher body weight (19.1 kg/m2 vs 18.3 kg/m2; p=0.788), had less sleep (8 hours/day vs. 9 hours/day; p=0.739), significantly more spent time watching TV and playing games (143 min/day vs. 85 min/day; p <0.001), significantly less had breakfast daily (32% vs 84%, p <0.001), were less involved in sports activities (75% vs 83%; p=0.339) and had less nutrition knowledge (48% vs 58% correct answers; p=0.331) as compared to students with a characteristic Mediterranean diet. We have assessed the influence of nutrition knowledge to the diet. The results showed statistically significant moderate positive correlation between better nutrition knowledge and healthy diet (R=0.47; p <0.010).The students knew very well about the diet pyramid, sources and roles of nutrients but still did not knew enough about the recommended daily fruit and vegetable intake, which indicates the need for clear public health messages on the consumption of fruits and vegetables intended for their age.
Projekt Ri Move – riječkim osnovnoškolcima prezentirani loptački sportovi
- Listing ID: 260
- National Dietetic Association: CROATIA - Croatian Society of Nutritionists and Dietitians, Hrvatsko društvo nutricionista I dijetetičara
- EFAD Education Associate Member: none or other than from the list
- EuDAP key objectives: Objective 2. Promote the gains of a healthy diet and nutritional support throughout the life course, Objective 3. Use dietitians as educators and experts in the community and clinical settings
- Target audience: General Public, Children and Adolescents, Parents
- Type: Event
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