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Workshops - nutrition education and health promotion

 2018 EuDAP Report / by admin / 549 views / Popular

Problem: How to cook healthily with a small income, and little material?

Actions: Speed cooking with students or young adults. Nutritional workshop with poor population or old people; Nutritional workshops with the professionals supervising population.

Results: Demysthification of the cooking act. These workshops give the possibility to talk to the people about their way of eating, of cooking, of living, about the main of nutrition for them.

  • Listing ID: 397
  • National Dietetic Association: FRANCE - French Association of Nutritionist Dietitians - AFDN, Association Française des Diététiciens Nutritionistes
  • EFAD Education Associate Member: none or other than from the list
  • EuDAP key objectives: Objective 1. Ensure that healthy food and nutrition is accessible, affordable, attractive and sustainable, Objective 2. Promote the gains of a healthy diet and nutritional support throughout the life course, Objective 3. Use dietitians as educators and experts in the community and clinical settings
  • Target audience: Health professionals, Children and Adolescents, Special Groups, Educators
  • Type: Event
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France *****

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